Could the location of a new skateboard park finally be settled for once and for all?
The tumultuous issue came to a head at the last council meeting when a letter from the Columbia Valley Skateboard Association was presented to council. The letter asked city to designate Kovach Park as the site of a new skateboard park, saying Centennial Park would prove too costly a location for both the CVSA and taxpayers due to site issues.
The letter prompted councillor Linda Nixon to propose a motion asking staff for a report summarizing the merits and concerns of every location, and making a recommendation for the best site.
She asked that the report come back to council for a vote at its Dec. 10 meeting.
“We need something from staff to be voting on this issue,” Nixon said.
Councillor Gary Starling agreed, saying the issue needed to put to bed. He said the letter raised lots of “really interesting issues.”
“This group deserves to have a site and the city needs to get this done so they can continue with their funding, and they can’t secure funding until they have their site,” he said.
Council approved the motion unanimously.