Spilling at the Revelstoke Dam in July of 2012.

Spilling at the Revelstoke Dam in July of 2012.

Revelstoke Dam Visitor Centre season cut hits shoulder season tourism

The Revelstoke tourist attraction's season has been reduced by six weeks from Thanksgiving weekend to Labour Day weekend

Revelstoke Dam Visitor Centre tour guide leader Sharon Honeyman is asking for city council help restoring hours at the visitor centre, after they have been slashed back over the past few years.

BC Hydro spokesperson Mary Anne Coules said that visitor centre hours were traditionally 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from the Victoria Day long weekend to the Thanksgiving weekend.

In recent years, the closing time has been reduced to 4 p.m., and the season-ending weekend has been reduced to the Labour Day weekend, cutting about six weeks off the season. Coules said the changes affected all BC Hydro dam visitor centres.

Honeyman has penned a letter to city council and the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce asking them for help. She said many visitors, especially senior travellers, visit in the fall shoulder season.

In addition, school groups can no longer visit in September and October.

“We would like to see the longer season and longer daily operating hours become a permanent change to the [Revelstoke Dam Visitor Centre], so we do not confuse tourists from year to year,” Honeyman wrote.

Council opts for letter to BC Hydro

At their Aug. 27 meeting, city council resolved to write a letter to BC Hydro asking them to reconsider their hours and season.

“I think this targets our shoulder system when all the baby boomers are travelling,” said Coun. Linda Nixon.

“I think it is a major tourist attraction,” said Coun. Chris Johnston.




Revelstoke Times Review