Revelstoke Grizzlies win against the Kelowna Chiefs in overtime

Revelstoke Grizzlies win against the Kelowna Chiefs in overtime

It's the first time this season Kelowna has lost

  • Nov. 10, 2018 12:00 a.m.

In a nail-biting match last night, the Revelstoke Grizzlies won against the Kelowna Chiefs.

The arena was packed with roughly 750 spectators. The score at the end was 4:3.

In the first period, Ethan Schaeffer assisted by Tommy Bodtker from the Grizzlies scored the first goal. Kelowna quickly answered back with a goal by Brody Dale and assisted by Ryan Stack and Mathew Alcorn. Tie game.

During a powerplay in second period, Raymond Speebrecker from the Grizzlies assisted by Matt Cadden scored their second goal. Like déjà vu, Dale from the Chiefs scored. Once again, tie game.

Josh Irvine assisted by Carter Anderson and Ullar Wlatzka from the Grizzlies scored the third goal in the third period. With only seconds remaining, Dale the-scoring-machine for Kelowna tied the game. The match entered overtime.

At 3:02, Bodtker assisted by Wlatzka from Revelstoke Grizzlies scored the winning goal. It was an exciting finish to a hard fought game from both teams.

Revelstoke Grizzlies had four penalties in the first period and Kelowna Chiefs had three. In second period, Grizzlies had five, and the Chiefs had four. And in the last period, Grizzlies had none and the Chiefs had two.

This is the first game of the season that the Kelowna Chiefs have lost. The Revelstoke Grizzlies lost earlier this year to Sicamous.

Revelstoke plays away tonight against Kamloops.

Revelstoke Review