Shrubbery peeking through snow in downtown Revelstoke last month. (Liam Harrap/Revelstoke Review)

Revelstoke had 57 COVID cases in January

In the past year, Revelstoke has reported 163 cases in total

  • Feb. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Since the start of the pandemic, 163 Revelstoke residents have tested positive for COVID-19. Of those, 57 cases were confirmed last month, according to the BC Centre for Disease Control.

Revelstoke has one of the highest case numbers for COVID-19 in the region, three times as many as Golden and double Nelson’s cases.

Prior to last November, there had been only three confirmed cases of the virus for Revelstoke residents.

In a recent announcement from the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce, local hotel rooms are now available for people to self isolate for COVID-19 to help protect roommates and paid by Interior Health.

Black Press Media has reached out to Interior Health for more information.

The B.C. government announced today (Feb. 5) it’s extending restrictions on gatherings through the rest of February as new variants of COVID-19 continue to show up.

READ MORE: B.C. extends COVID-19 gathering restrictions as infections slow down

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the tight restrictions on gatherings to household groups have to continue until B.C.’s vaccination supply picks up again.

While COVID-19 infections have declined significantly in the Lower Mainland, Henry said a major concern is the increase in infections and hospitalization in the Northern and Interior Health regions.

In the last weekly update, there were 12 new COVID-19 cases for Revelstoke Jan. 24-30, which is an increase from the two identified the week prior.

READ MORE: New COVID cases for Revelstoke jump to 12

Within the past week, multiple members of the Revelstoke Grizzlies tested positive for COVID-19, forcing the hockey team to abruptly end their season.

A member of the Revelstoke Secondary School also recently tested positive for COVID-19 and there was potential exposure to staff and students Jan. 25-26.

READ MORE: COVID in Revelstoke schools – again

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on?


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Revelstoke Review