Revelstoke man gets one year in jail for stealing RCMP bait snowmobile

A Revelstoke man who was caught stealing the RCMP bait snowmobile was sentenced to one year in jail in court last week.

A Revelstoke man was sentenced for stealing the RCMP bait snowmobile in Revelstoke court last week.

A Revelstoke man was sentenced for stealing the RCMP bait snowmobile in Revelstoke court last week.

A Revelstoke man who was caught stealing the RCMP bait snowmobile was sentenced to one year in jail in court last week.

Ryan Matthew Hall was arrested following the theft of the bait sled and truck from the Peaks Lodge parking lot in the early morning hours of March 27.

The snowmobile and truck were moved from the parking lot and brought to a home on Tum Tum Crescent, where the snowmobile was ditched inside a trailer.

By that point, police were made aware of the theft and the truck was shut down using a remote de-activation system. Hall evaded police and fled on foot, but he was recognized on video footage from the truck.

He was arrested following a search of the Tum Tum home, where a second stolen snowmobile was found. Hall was put in jail while he awaited a trial. He pleaded guilty to theft of a motor vehicle, possession of stolen property and resisting a police officer, and was sentenced in Revelstoke court on Thursday, Sept. 8.

In court, Crown prosecutor Bill Hilderman asked for a one year jail sentence plus another year of probation and a curfew.

Hall’s lawyer, Chris Johnston, spoke on his behalf, saying he had “family of origin issues” that greatly impacted him as a child and led to mental health and substance abuse issues as an adult. He also has a four-year-old son.

“He wants to change who he is,” said Johnston.

Judge Mark Takahashi questioned Hall’s willingness to change, noting he’d violated his probation before. “He seems to do well inside, but outside, not so good,” said Takahashi. “We go to the past to predict the future, and the past doesn’t look so great.”

The judge also questioned Hall if he understood what his actions could mean for his young child.

Hall said he was serious about changing his life and was looking to enrol in a treatment program in Kamloops. “I plan not to use. I’m dead set to get into these programs to better my life,” he said.

Judge Takahashi sentenced Hall to one year of jail time, but because of the time he’s spent in custody before sentencing, he only needs to serve 117 more days. The judge allowed him to serve it under house arrest rather than in prison.

Takahashi added 12 months of probation, during which Hall must adhere to a curfew and seek counselling.

A warrant is out for the arrest of Vincent Porteous in connection with the theft. He fled from the scene and was never caught, but police were able to determine his identity using video footage from the truck.


Revelstoke Times Review