A fire engulfs the Boston Flats Trailer Park near Ashcroft. More than 30 homes are believed to be destroyed, but all residents were able to escape unharmed.  Photo by Marianne Rumbal

A fire engulfs the Boston Flats Trailer Park near Ashcroft. More than 30 homes are believed to be destroyed, but all residents were able to escape unharmed. Photo by Marianne Rumbal

Revelstoke wildfire crews battling Ashcroft blaze

Monashee and Columbia Unit Crews are battling 7,300-hectare wildfire near Ashcroft and Cache Creek

Two Revelstoke-based wildfire crews have been dispatched to battle fires raging in central B.C.

The 20-person Columbia Unit Crew is among the 120 firefighters battling the 10,300 hectare Ashcroft Reserve fire, while the 20-person Monashee Unit Crew is battling the fires near Williams Lake.

The Columbia crew is among 130 firefighters, nine helicopters and eight pieces of heavy equipment that has been deployed to fight the Ashcroft fire.

The fire has resulted in the evacuation of the Village of Cache Creek and parts of the surrounding area, while other areas are under evacuation alert.

Four wildfires of note are currently burning near Williams Lake, and the city is under an evacuation alert.

Correction: Our initial story said both Revelstoke-based unit crews were fighting the Ashcroft Reserve wildfire. That information was received from the Southeast Fire Centre, but a commenter on our Facebook page said the Monashee crew was in fact in Williams Lake. We followed up with wildfire officials to confirm the unit crew is indeed in the Cariboo.

Revelstoke Times Review