Wildfires around Revelstoke as of Aug. 6, 2023. (BC Wildfire Service)

Wildfires around Revelstoke as of Aug. 6, 2023. (BC Wildfire Service)

Revelstoke wildfire forces travel advisory for Trans-Canada Highway

The larger of the two wildfires is 997 hecatres

  • Aug. 6, 2023 1:00 p.m.

A few wildfires continue to burn around Revelstoke.

The Hiren Creek wildfire, northwest of the community, is just shy of 1,000 hectares and is burning in inaccessible terrain west of the Jordan River.

The lightning caused fire has been burning since July 21.

The fire is causing a lot of smoke in the area and a travel advisory has been issued for the Trans-Canada Highway due to limited visibility.

A much smaller wildfire is burning northeast of Revelstoke.

The Elm Creek fire is only 1.1 hectares. It was sparked by lightning on July 31.

READ MORE: Hiren Creek wildfire grows more than 200 hectares in 2 days near Revelstoke


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