Rana Nelson is seeking the nomination to the federal Green Party for the Kootenay-Columbias. (Submitted)

Revelstokian seeking nomination for federal Green Party

Rana Nelson has put her name in the hat to be the Kootenay-Columbia riding's Green representative

  • Feb. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Rana Nelson, a resident of Revelstoke since 2013, is seeking the nomination for the Green Party of Canada in the Kootenay-Columbia riding.

“I feel compelled to be of service,” said Nelson, in a news release. “I’ve always worked and volunteered in areas to help people have better life, work and travel experiences. I matched clients and employers at WorkBC, I co-led the group to bring a Syrian family to Revelstoke, I supported families of people with mental health challenges for the BC Schizophrenia Society, I worked with businesses and visitors for Terrace Tourism, I’m a director with Revelstoke Community Housing Society and I work with international students and their host families in my current position at Rocky Mountain International Student Program.”

Nelson’s experiences have given her a broad understanding of the challenges and opportunities Canadians, and particularly B.C. residents, have.

“I’ve lived in and travelled all over Canada, including three years in Telegraph Creek, B.C. in Tahltan Territory, and four years in Ottawa. My husband and I have three children between the ages of 10 and 17, and we all speak French to varying degrees. I’m not afraid to speak up (in French or English) when I see something unjust and I know I can be a strong voice in Ottawa for small businesses, healthcare, water and land protection, infrastructure and a healthy economy in Kootenay-Columbia.”

READ MORE: Annamie Paul charts new course for Green party — through crowded waters

After experiences with other political parties and helping on Abra Brynne’s campaign in the 2019 federal election, Nelson became a Green Party member because she wants to do politics differently.

“Elected representatives work for the people. I want to know what matters to you regardless of how you vote and I want to help you access what you need. Collaboration and respect across parties will help us more than conflict and recriminations. Let’s put a little love into politics!”

Nelson said she joined the Greens because of their global charter of principles: ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, nonviolence, sustainability and respect for diversity.

“These values are my values and they are held by Green parties all over the world. While the environment underpins everything Greens stand for – because a healthy environment equals healthy people – we also have strong policies to support education, affordability, small businesses, and reconciliation. Greens are working all over Canada now to push government to implement these.”

There are three others are seeking the nomination in Kootenay-Columbia – Jason Leus of Ymir, and Keith Wiley and Tom Prior of Nelson.

Only Green Party of Canada members can nominate the riding candidate, who will then go on to run in the next federal election.

To vote for your nominee, join the Greens by Feb. 10 for $10.

Youth 14-18 join for free and can also vote in the nomination, which is expected in mid-March. You must be a member for 30 days to vote for your nominee.

Nelson wants to hear from Kootenay-Columbia constituents. She can be reached at rana.nelson@telus.net.

“I want to talk with you about what matters to you, your family, and your community,” she said.


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