Rezoning sign community is moving

Rezoning is an indication that Port Hardy community is moving forward.

The District of Port Hardy dealt with three rezoning applications at its Sept. 13 meeting. “In my experience, those requests start happening when the town starts moving,” said Mayor Hank Bood.

There have been 41 single family dwellings sold in Port Hardy this year, Bood said, an indication that “we are definitely a community that is moving forward.”

In addition to rezoning to allow for funeral home services, the district also received a request to change zoning to allow residential use on Hastings Street.

The property consists of four lots. One has an existing home and the other three are vacant. The properties are currently zoned Commercial and the applicant would like it changed to Residential Duplex (R2). Adjacent properties are already zoned R2.

The district received a third re-zoning request to allow for a recycling depot on a property on Main Street. Currently the district only allows recycling services in comprehensive development zones.

This rezone would allow for the existing commercial zoning to stand with the addition of a recycle depot to this property.

Council gave first reading to all three rezoning bylaws. Public hearings will be held at 5 p.m. on Oct. 11, before further action is taken.


North Island Gazette