Motorcyclists in the hundreds depart from Duncan on a South Island ride in honour of the Kamloops 215. (Kevin Rothbauer/Citizen)

Ride for the Kamloops 215 takes over Trans-Canada Highway

"My family was in residential schools for three generations. On the day of the ride, I will be four months drug- and alcohol-free. I am determined to break the cycle," said Richman Carpenter.

“My family was in residential schools for three generations. On the day of the ride, I will be four months drug- and alcohol-free. I am determined to break the cycle,” said Richman Carpenter.

Carpenter was taking on a massive motorcycle convoy and fundraiser from Cowichan to Sidney, through Victoria and back in honour of the 215 Indigenous children whose graves were found recently at the site of a former residential school in Kamloops.

It took nearly least four minutes for the hundreds of motorcyclists to leave Destination Motorcycles and head south to Victoria where they were going to be joined by the members of another car club.

“I ask everyone to bring peace in their hearts and remember … it’s to bring awareness for the 215-plus children that never made it home.”

Upon their return to Cowichan, speeches from elders and an event took place at the Si’em Lelum Gym fields.

Cowichan Valley Citizen