Two players battle for the puck in Saturday’s game. Soranne Floarea/The Free Press

Two players battle for the puck in Saturday’s game. Soranne Floarea/The Free Press

Riders lose their second playoff game against Columbia Valley

The Riders go 0-2 in a seven game series against the Rockies

  • Mar. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Riders played their second playoff game against Columbia Valley on Saturday, succumbing to a bitter 3-1 loss. The match was their second game in a best of seven series, giving the team a much needed wake up call.

The game started with two goals by Columbia Valley within the first 10 minutes. Off to a slow start, the Riders managed to keep the Rockies at bay for the remainder of the period, yet struggled to put one in the back of the net despite many aggressive attempts.

After regrouping, the Riders launched into the second period yet were once again scored on by the Rockies early on. Not giving up, they held Columbia Valley for the rest of the second period, but did not manage to get the game back under their control. The second period ended 3-0.

Despite the setback, the Riders held onto their determination into the third period as Alaister Standen scored an unassisted goal, bringing the tally to 3-1. Regardless of their best efforts, the Riders did not manage to score again that period, ending the game with a final score of 3-1.

“It was a disappointing effort from our group for sure. I thought that the first 40 minutes we were severely out played, and then the last 20 minutes we turned it around but it was too little too late,” said head coach Jeff Wagner.

The game ended with 27 shots on net taken by the Rockies, and 42 by the Riders.

“Columbia Valley came out well prepared. It looked like, in both games one and two, we felt like it was going to come easy, and they caught us off guard. So our group is going to have to look in the mirror, regroup, and try to come out with a better effort in game three,” said Wagner.

Knowing the team’s capability, Wagner remains hopeful that the Riders will reignite their flame and burst into the next game playing at their full potential.

“I think if we play the way we did in the third period tonight, we are pretty optimistic. We like our preparation all year and so it hasn’t failed us up to this point. So we just have to regroup mentally as a group and be ready to go on Monday,” said Wagner. “Everyone’s got to pick up their socks for game three and we’ll be better.”

Despite their efforrts, the Riders lost 4-3 in their third game against the Rockies on Monday night. In this best of seven series, the season now rides on Tuesday night’s game. If the Riders win, they play their next home game on Thursday March 5. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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