BC Hydro wil close the Brewster Lake Road for two days next week where it crosses the John Hart Dam. BC Hydro photo

BC Hydro wil close the Brewster Lake Road for two days next week where it crosses the John Hart Dam. BC Hydro photo

Road across John Hart Dam to close for two days next week

BC Hydro issues notice of closure at Campbell River-area hydroelectric facility

The road across the John Hart Dam will be closed for a couple of days next week.

The Brewster Lake Road will be closed off on either side of the John Hart Dam on July 22 and 23, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both days, BC Hydro spokesperson Stephen Watson said. There is a chance the second day road closure time may be reduced, though people should plan for a full two-day road closure.

The closure is needed so crews can safely do work at the new water intake beside the spillway dam. This includes the placement of metal stop logs on the upstream side of the dam to close off reservoir water from the two water intake maintenance gates.

Road closure signage will be posted on either side of the dam.


As communicated on July 9, on July 13, BC Hydro started to dewatering the John Hart tunnels, which includes the power tunnel, powerhouse turbine inlet areas, and the tailrace tunnel, to do final inspections as part of the new underground facility along with some related work.

Since July 13 and through August 15, BC Hydro has redirected water flows from the underground facility down Elk Falls Canyon to provide the targeted summer flows in the Campbell River. Elk Falls Canyon water flows moved from the 4 cubic metres per second (m3/s) base flow to about 30 m3/s.

As a reminder, for public safety, people are advised to stay away from the river on the upstream side of Elk Falls.

RELATED: Water to be diverted from generating station tunnels to Elk Falls Canyon

RELATED: VIDEO: Demolition crew topples defunct surge tower at Campbell River hydroelectric project

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