Christ Church Cathedral will host the funeral for former Victoria Police Const. Ian Jordan, who passed away last week after being in a coma since 1987. News file photo

Christ Church Cathedral will host the funeral for former Victoria Police Const. Ian Jordan, who passed away last week after being in a coma since 1987. News file photo

Road closures in effect for late Victoria police officer’s funeral procession

Police officers attending Ian Jordan's service from across Canada and the U.S.

Thursday’s funeral for former Victoria police Const. Ian Jordan, who passed away last week after being in a coma for more than 30 years, is expected to attract serving officers from across Canada and the United States.

The ceremony, set for 2 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral on Quadra Street at Burdett Avenue, will be proceeded by a full police honours procession. Parading officers will depart from the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre at 12:30 p.m. and head east along Caledonia Street, turning south onto Quadra where they will proceed to the church.

RELATED: Family, colleagues reflect on VicPD officer in a coma for 30 years

Road closures along the route are expected while the procession moves through and are expected to last roughly 45 minutes in total, with the streets opening after the contingent passes.

Anyone who wishes to pay their respects is asked to line the route along Quadra Street. Those marching will meet the funeral party at the church for the service.

Victoria News