Road upgrades sought

Rural politicians are demanding major improvements to roads in the North Okanagan.

Rural politicians are demanding major improvements to roads in the North Okanagan.

The Electoral Area Advisory Committee has submitted a list of priority projects it wants included in the Ministry of Transportation’s 10-year plan.

“There’s a bit of a deficit in terms of how the road projects are proceeding,” said Bob Fleming, EAAC chairperson and BX-Swan Lake director.

“I’m not terribly confident (about the ministry doing the work) but if we don’t say anything, it doesn’t get on their radar.”

Among the projects being lobbied by EAAC are  improved safety at Highway 97 and Stickle and Birnie roads in BX-Swan Lake, resurfacing of the Baxter bridge in rural Lumby and a traffic light at Highway 97B and Springbend Road in rural Enderby.

There are also calls for the ministry to upgrade and resurface the Lumby-Mabel Lake Road.

“There are parts that should be upgraded and are dangerous,” said Rick Fairbairn, rural Lumby director.

EAAC also wants an enhanced ministry role in remediation work, including infrastructure and drainage, in the area of the Kingfisher Interpretive Centre in rural Enderby.

The ministry is also being asked to improve communications with local governments on rural road and highway improvements, and enhance partnership opportunities for pedestrian/bicycle paths within ministry right-of-ways.

“When there is no where to walk on the side of a road, it is a safety issue,” said Fleming.


Vernon Morning Star