Road work underway in Cranbrook

Contractors busy working on two roadways, third to start up in August.

Roadwork is underway on a few Cranbrook streets.

Roadwork is underway on a few Cranbrook streets.

Road work on Cranbrook streets are proceeding apace as contractors are in the midst of completing three jobs this season valued at just over $3 million.

BA Blacktop is completing repaving work on a stretch down 11th Ave between 3rd St. to 11th St. South on a contract worth $1,996,364. BA Blacktop was the only bidder on the contract.

BE Civil Projects is taking on the contracts of two other projects; the first of which is a stretch off 4th St. South between 11th Ave to 14th Ave South. That contract had three bidders and is valued at $823,997.

Those two projects have already begun and are expected to be completed by the end of September.

The same company will also be completing work on a stretch of road down 6th St. South between 11th Ave to 14th Ave South. There were three tenders received on that contract that is valued at $849,447.

The 6th St. project will begin in August and is expected to wrap up by the end of September.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman