Rock slide on Highway 97 north of Summerland beginning to stabilize

No estimated time for reopening of highway, but detour is in place

A blast goes off above Highway 97 to remove unstable rock where a slide occurred last week. MoTi photo

A blast goes off above Highway 97 to remove unstable rock where a slide occurred last week. MoTi photo

While crews continue to work on the rock slide north of Summerland, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is beginning to see signs of stabilization at the site.

The slide occurred on Jan. 31 and since Feb. 2, the highway has been closed as crews are working to clear the debris and stabilize the site.

There was no slide movement overnight and geotechnical assessments are continuing.

While the highway remains closed with no estimated time of reopening, ministry staff are optimistic as the progress continues.

Scaling and drilling work resumed on Wednesday after it had been halted on Tuesday due to unsafe conditions for workers from snow and high winds.

A small blast on Wednesday removed some overhanging rock and allowed for the safe use of an excavator at the site. The excavator is removing rock and allowing access for equipment at the north side of the slide.

The next blast, scheduled for Friday, will cause up to a 45-minute delay on the 900-metre Callan Road detour.

The detour is working well for traffic on the highway. Blasting will not occur between 7 and 9 a.m. or 4 and 6 p.m.

Barriers have been installed above Callan Road to allow safe travel along the detour. Commercial vehicles winder than 3.7 metres are only allowed between midnight and 5 a.m. Pedestrians and cyclists are not permitted.

The speed limit through the detour is 30 kilometres an hour.

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Summerland Review