A rock slide approximately 25 km west of Kitwanga has reduced Hwy16 to single lane traffic.

A rock slide approximately 25 km west of Kitwanga has reduced Hwy16 to single lane traffic.

Rock slide reduces traffic lane on Hwy16

A rock slide is blocking half of Hwy16 about 70 km east of Terrace.

A rock slide is blocking half of Hwy16 about 70 km east of Terrace.

“It was around 8 o’clock last night we got the call,” said Carney area road superintendent Laurel Kotowsky, who estimated the rocks fell from about 80 m high.

The slide occurred the evening of Sunday March 27, but clean up crews were not called until today.

“We had to wait for geotech to give us the okay that it was going to be safe and that everything was stable,” said Kotowsky at 12:45 p.m. today. “There was stuff falling through the night but now we’ve got the okay so we’ve got equipment on it’s way.”

Currently, traffic has been reduced to a single lane. Drivers are urged to watch for road workers directing traffic, as they are situated just around a tight bend on the highway for those traveling in the eastbound lane.

Kotowsky said the slide is expected to be cleaned by 5 p.m. this evening.

No one has been hurt, she said.

Terrace Standard