Rock thrown through window on Kalum St.

Four-year-old girl sleeping when rock landed on her not injured, says Terrace RCMP.

  • Jun. 21, 2013 3:00 p.m.

TERRACE RCMP have responded to approximately 52 calls for service from June 20, 8 a.m. to June 21, 8 a.m.

During the same time period, there were nine people lodged in Terrace Cells.

Five of these people were arrested for public intoxication.

Downtown Terrace

domestic assault. Upon arrival police observed a woman punching a man in the face and arrested her for assault. Police also arrested the 47-year-old man for assault. An amount of drugs and drug paraphernalia were seized from the man. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel for both.

a man removed his teeth prior to enjoying a sandwich at the bus stop on Lakelse Ave, then left them behind when he boarded the bus. He returned a short time later and they were gone.

49-year-old man bothering customers at Safeway. Police located the man later in the day and arrested him on an outstanding warrant.

police observed a couple on conditions to have no contact with each other walking hand in hand along Sparks St./Lakelse Ave. Both were arrested for breach. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

sometime between 9:30 and 10:15 a.m., a black backpack with grey and orange on it containing a wallet with various cards, ID, and cash was stolen from the lobby of the Best Western.

two false business alarms at the same business within hour of each other on Lazelle Ave.

an intoxicated woman stumbling around on the railroad tracks at Apsley St./Greig Ave. Police located a 19-year-old woman and spoke with her.

assist Terrace Fire Department with a possible fire at a business on Lakelse Ave.

man passed out on the sidewalk in front of McDonald’s. Police arrested a 24-year-old man for public intoxication.

people drinking in Umbrella Park. Police spoke with a 72-year-old man and dumped a bottle of liquor.

group of people drinking, doing drugs, and having sex in Brolly Park. Police were at the park at the time of this reported incident and did not see these occurrences.

33-year-old woman shoplifted at Dollar Store. Ongoing investigation.

Elsewhere Terrace

report of people drinking then driving, ongoing issue. Police spoke with the business owner.

a stowaway on a cargo train travelling to Prince Rupert. CN staff were unable to find the person.

man and woman yelling profanities at each other near the river by Walmart on Hwy 16 west. Police spoke with the couple. No offence committed.

a bike collided with a grey 2003 Ford Focus in the Walmart Parking Lot. The 21-year-old man riding the bike suffered minor injuries that were treated on scene by BC Ambulance. He was under the influence of intoxicating substances.

two intoxicated person roaming George Little Park. A 45-year-old woman was arrested for public intoxication.

Mills Memorial Hospital requested police assistance. Police apprehended a 28-year-old man under the Mental Health Act and transported him to the hospital. He fled a short time later. Police reattended the hospital. He returned on his own accord a short time later.

a man harassing a woman via text messaging. Police spoke with the people involved and gave advice on the matter.

man refusing to leave a residence. Police spoke with two intoxicated people and the 46-year-old man left.

found dog. Police lodged it for the night into the pound.

landlord/tenant issues. Police spoke with the people involved and gave advice on the matter.

intoxicated couple fighting on Kalum St. Police located the couple who had since made up and were heading home together. Police felt this was a bad idea and separated the intoxicated couple to reunite later when sober.

domestic verbal argument. Police spoke with the couple who agreed to separate till cooler heads could prevail in the morning. The man returned a short time later and urinated on the door when he was not allowed in. Police arrested the 38-year-old man.

group of youth fighting on Scott Ave./Sparks St. Police located the group that was already dispersing. No one required police assistance.

a rock was thrown through the window of a residence on Kalum St. in the Silver Gardens. The rock landed on a four-year-old girl that was sleeping. She was uninjured. The man was described as wearing a grey sweater and dark pants and a second man wearing a striped shirt appeared to be standing in the street when the incident occurred.

people arguing on Loen Ave. Checks were done of area.

domestic dispute. A woman was threatened with a bat. Police assisted with finding safe accommodation. Ongoing investigation.

a wallet was found near the bridge by Walmart and returned to its owner.

drug information received.

man passed out on the Sande Overpass. Police arrested a 61-year-old man for public intoxication.

drug information received


dirt bikes on Paquette Ave./Empire St. Checks were done of area.

noisy excavator on Rose Ave./Dobbie St. at 10 p.m. Police advised that the noise bylaw is in effect at 11 p.m.

suspicious neighbor.

intoxicated 49-year-old man on a motorcycle. Police located the man in a parking lot on Thornhill St. He was not driving and claimed to be going home with friends.

possible intoxicated driver leaving Thornhill Pub. Police pulled the black 2007 Pontiac G6 over by the old bridge on Hwy 16. The 40-year-old driver provided two samples of breath into a roadside screening device that resulted in fails. An Immediate Roadside Prohibition was issued. The vehicle she was driving was impounded.


a call received from a doctor requesting police assistance in apprehending a person under the Mental Health Act. Police called the doctor back who was not working and a warrant was never received. Ongoing.

abandoned 911 call. No information was obtained on the call and there was no way of knowing where it came from or from whom.

assist Prince George RCMP with an investigation.

man passed out on Ackroyd Rd. Police arrested a 59-year-old man for public intoxication.

Airport Security seized a large caliber bullet that was converted in a bottle opener. The item was not illegal and rendered not dangerous. Police advised the security department to return it.

two calls received of an erratic possibly impaired driver in a dark grey Chevrolet Malibu on Hwy 16.


false business alarm on West Kalum Rd. A door was left open.

People with information on crime are asked to contact the Terrace RCMP at 250-638-7400 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-800-222-TIPS, online at or by texting TERRACE plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES).

If your information leads to an arrest, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.

Terrace Standard

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