Rollie Koop now school district superintendent

The acting superintendent of schools takes on the role, as well as the title of chief executive officer of school district 69 (Qualicum)

Rollie Koop is the new superintendent of local schools.

The announcement came Tuesday that the acting superintendent of schools would take on the role, as well as the title of chief executive officer of school district 69 (Qualicum).

Koop joined the district in August 2000 as Vice Principal of Kwalikum Secondary School and moved to the position of acting principal in 2005. He moved to Ballenas Secondary School as principal in 2006. In August 2009 he was asked to join the senior management team as the assistant superintendent. Koop has filled the position of acting superintendent of schools since March 1, 2013.

Koop has 33 years of experience in education including time spent as a teacher and administrator with the Langley and Surrey school districts and with BCIT School of Business.       — NEWS Staff

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