

Rolling out the Tigers

District of Sicamous firefighters and staff, including Steven Powers and Darren Dolemo, learn how to set up a Tiger Dam flood control system, which is going to be set up along Young Crescent in preparation for high water.

District of Sicamous firefighters and staff, including Steven Powers and Darren Dolemo, learn how to set up a Tiger Dam flood control system, which is going to be set up along Young Crescent in preparation for high water.

The dam system was provided for the district’s use through the B.C. government’s Emergency Management Program, as it’s anticipated Shuswap and Mara lakes will reach at least 2012 levels.

With the coming high water, the district is warning that any flood water be pumped back into the lake, not into the district’s sewage system, and that boaters be cautious not to create any waves that might exacerbate flooding along the shore.

Eagle Valley News