Rose Swanson Mountain park protection building

The Township of Spallumcheen wants the provincial forest ministry to clarify a 1990s-era management plan for Rose Swanson Mountain

The Township of Spallumcheen wants the provincial forest ministry to clarify a 1990s-era management plan for Rose Swanson Mountain.

Council has asked staff to compose a letter requesting the ministry review and update the plan in collaboration with stakeholders.

The move comes as a result of an August meeting between stakeholders and about 20 residents of the Chamberlaine Road area who had a number of concerns and complaints about the popular area.

“All parties acknowledged that Rose Swanson is a very valuable recreation asset for the residents of the community,” wrote Spallumcheen administrator Greg Betts in a summary of the August meeting.

“If more can be done to enhance opportunities for use by respectful users, it may help discourage some of the unacceptable actions that are taking place by those disrespectful users.”

In October 1996, the Vernon Forest District signed off on an order to establish 712 acres of Crown land on Rose Swanson Mountain as a sensitive area, which was to take effect April 30, 1997.

The objectives for the sensitive area included maintaining and enhancing trail network for use by recreational enthusiasts; protecting the visual quality of the area; maintaining recreational values by limiting timber harvesting; and protecting the area against vandalism and timber theft.

Among the concerns brought up by the residents in August were speeding vehicles on Chamberlaine Road, parties, fires, off-road vehicles, broken glass and weapons being discharged.

The forest ministry was represented at the August meeting by resource manager Ray Crampton, who stated his interest was to have solution-oriented discussions.

Since the meeting, public and government awareness has soared according to resident CJ Edwards.

“People are talking about cleaning up Rose Swanson Mountain and protecting this Crown jewel,” said Edwards.

Also present at the meeting were the RCMP, the Armstrong-Spallumcheen Fire Department, community policing and Spallumcheen municipal staff.

Edwards said each agency immediately completed a few action items following the meeting.

The township erected a new speed sign on Chamberlaine Road, reducing the limit to 50 km/hour from 70 km/h.

The province leaned up the main Rose Swanson Mountain trail and the Vernon RCMP Safe Communities Unit’s rural programs manager established and began a rural community watch program.

Residents have extended an invitation to Premier Christy Clark for a site tour.


Vernon Morning Star