Rossland council approves loan

Rossland city council voted to approve a bylaw that will allow the district to borrow more money for the Trail bridge on behalf of Rossland.

Rossland city council voted to approve borrowing more money for the Trail pedestrian and pipe bridge on Friday.

Following a three hour period during which the public was invited to drop by and give feedback on the bridge, council voted to approve a Regional District of Kootenay Boundary bylaw that will allow the district to borrow more money for the bridge on behalf of Rossland.

“It was a pretty quick decision,” said Councillor Aaron Cosbey. “We already more or less discussed what we were going to about that decision.”

At a previous meeting, council voted to adopt the bylaw, pending approval of the public input process by the BC inspector of municipalities.

Cosbey said only eight or nine people showed up to talk to council about the vote, and none had any major objections, so council went ahead.

Council also voted at that meeting to move the Washington St. design charette to Oct. 30.


Rossland News