Rossland’s Dr. Brenda Trenholme organized a team to enter the virtual Vancouver Sun Run to raise funds for Kenyan students. Photo: Submitted

Rossland doctor rallies team to raise funds for Kenyan students

Dr. Brenda Trenholme's run for KEEF hopes to raise donations to fund the next workshops

  • Apr. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Dr. Brenda Trenholme has rallied a team to walk or run 10 kilometres in the virtual Vancouver Sun Fun Run.

The team will take on the task the last couple weeks of April to raise awareness and funds for the work of the Kenya Education Endowment Fund (KEEF).

The Rossland doctor will be joined by six other volunteers across BC and one in Ontario.

“As well as offering scholarships and bursaries for secondary and post-secondary education in Kenya, where high school is not free, KEEF offers some 130 secondary scholarship students workshops, including an annual multi-day Life Skills Workshop,” explained Trenholme in a release.

“Topics such as assertiveness, first aid, teamwork, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial skills help prepare them for the world of work after high school or for additional academic success if they are able to qualify for assistance to enter post-secondary education in Kenya.”

Team Brenda’s Run for KEEF hopes to raise donations to fund the next workshops. These are planned and delivered by Kenyan and Canadian volunteers, who travel and stay in Kenya at their own expense.

A team of 12 Kenyan volunteers will participate in the Sun Run in Kenya as well. In all, 79 KEEF volunteers, aged 20 to 80 will take part in B.C., Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Kenya, either as walkers or runners, to help educate Kenyan youth. Teams and individuals committed to participating in the 2021 Virtual Vancouver Sun Run have been training in snow, hot sun, and rain – depending on their locations.

At the multi-day Life Skills Workshops, some of the students – who have developed a good business plan during the workshop – will receive a low-interest micro-loan to start a small business during the school holidays, which their family can continue after the student returns to class.

Student business plans include buying groundnuts, growing extra vegetables, raising poultry to sell eggs, or raising a goat or calf to sell in the local marketplace. When the loan and small interest are repaid the next year, another student can be added to the number able to receive support to start a small business venture.

Money raised from the Vancouver Sun run will go towards funding the multi-day Life Skills Workshop and other educational events for KEEF’s secondary school scholarship holders.

“Because the Run is being held virtually in 2021, KEEF supporters from across Canada and in Kenya are able to take part,” said Trenholme. “Participants choose a local site and any day between April 18 and 30 to take part. We are looking forward to this unique opportunity. Follow KEEF on Facebook and Instagram.”

To support KEEF and Brenda’s team, email or e-transfer donations to

For other online ways to donate, see Please indicate if your gift is specifically in support of Team Brenda’s Run for KEEF or some other participant(s). Otherwise, please just designate “for Sun Run” on your donation.

“The parents of the young people we assist are mainly subsistence farmers who cannot afford the uniform, shoes, tuition, books, etc. needed to attend high school in Kenya,” Brenda added.

“No amount is too small to be of help. Tax-deductible receipts are available.On behalf of our Canadian and Kenyan volunteers and the young people in Kenya whose education will benefit, thank you! Asante Sana!”

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