Trail and Rossland will host the 2026 BC Winter Games.

Trail and Rossland will host the 2026 BC Winter Games.

Rossland-Trail to host 2026 B.C. Winter Games

Trail and Rossland will welcome over 2,000 athletes, officials and coaches to 2026 BC Winter Games

It’s official, Trail and Rossland will host the 2026 B.C. Winter Games.

In a joint announcement, the BC Games Society confirmed on Thursday that the Greater Trail municipalities’ bid to host the event was a success.

“It is exciting to have the collaboration and commitment of two communities hosting the BC Winter Games,” said Alison Noble, President and CEO of the BC Games Society. “This region is well-versed in major sport event hosting ensuring a successful BC Winter Games in 2026.”

Trail, Rossland, and surrounding municipalities, have a long history of hosting major sport events. The region successfully hosted the 1982 and 2006 BC Winter Games and the 1996 BC Summer Games as well as the 2011 BC Seniors Games, and several Nordic and downhill ski races.

The event is expected to see over 2,000 athletes, officials, managers and coaches from 19 sports, and a similar number of volunteers attend the Games.

Past events, including the 2006 Winter Games, were also shared with Castlegar and Nelson, however, Rossland mayor Kathy Moore is confident the city’s will have the infrastructure, accommodations, and facilities to successfully host the event.

“The bid process required that the communities identify host sites for core sports held in the Winter Games,” said Moore. “Once planning gets underway in a year or two, the specific needs of the sports will be further refined.

“Conversations have already occurred with our neighbouring communities as well as the school districts regarding this event. The Organizing Committee will confirm venue needs and sport hosting locations at a later date.

“We are confident that we can host a memorable event.”

Mayor Moore also clarified that as part of the bid process, council resolutions were passed by both Trail and Rossland committing the communities to equally share in a financial contribution of $55,000 cash and $55,000 in kind services.

“A comprehensive budget will be developed by the Organizing Committee when more detailed plans come together. This will not start to occur until likely 2023-24.

“Our contributions cover a portion of the costs; the Provincial government is a big backer for these events.”

Emcee Sue Bock met virtually with Trail mayor Lisa Pasin, Mayor Moore, and Noble in a highly anticipated zoom call.

MLA for Kootenay West Katrine Conroy congratulated the Greater Trail municipalities to open the virtual announcement.

“I’m really excited that the 2026 BC Winter Games will be hosted by the communities of Trail and Rossland. This is great news for residents, as well as participants and fans attending these games as they can look forward to a fantastic experience.

“I congratulate and thank everyone who was involved in preparing this bid, and I know that Trail and Rossland are ready to put their best foot forward to show everyone the spectacular beauty of our region and provide a really great sport experience.”

The BC Winter Games are held every two years, and the Trail-Rossland 2026 Winter Games are scheduled to run Feb. 19-22, 2026. The estimated economic impact of the BC Winter Games is about $1.6 M.

“The City of Trail is thrilled to partner with Rossland for the 2026 BC Winter Games,” added Mayor Pasin. “We look forward to welcoming everyone to experience our region’s first-class sporting amenities and friendly hospitality services.”

Read: Trail-Rossland bid to host 2026 BC Winter Games

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