The 2020 Rotary Club of Chilliwack Book Sale is moving from Chilliwack Mall to Heritage Park to allow more room for physically-distanced shopping. (Jenna Hauck/ The Progress)

The 2020 Rotary Club of Chilliwack Book Sale is moving from Chilliwack Mall to Heritage Park to allow more room for physically-distanced shopping. (Jenna Hauck/ The Progress)

Rotary Book Sale moves from Chilliwack Mall to Heritage Park

The hugely-popular book sale is going ahead Oct. 25-31 with pandemic protocols in place

The COVID pandemic has taken many popular happenings off the calendar in 2020, but one of Chilliwack’s most-anticipated events is going full-steam ahead.

The annual Rotary Club of Club Book Sale will run Oct. 25-31 at Heritage Park.

The new venue is the biggest nod to the pandemic, taking the book sale out of the cozier confines of the Chilliwack Mall.

“We’ve been working hard all summer and fall trying to ensure we could safely hold our beloved book sale,” said Rotary club president Shelley MacDonell. “By holding it at Heritage Park, we can ensure a space large enough for physical distancing, and lots of space for people to park.”

Rotary experimented with an outdoor venue in August, setting up tables for a one day sale at the Rotary Service Building on Wolfe Road. At that sale, Rotary used debit/credit machines to allow for contact-free payment.

They’ll be offering that option again.

“We’re requiring all patrons to wear a mask or face covering, and we’ll also have hand sanitizer on site, Rotary fundraising and grants director Julie Unger added. “With new provincial health regulations limiting the number of people able to browse at once, we’re going to ask patrons to remain in their cars until directed to enter the building.”

Anyone fearing Rotary’s book selection will be diminished after the August sale need not fear. According to the club, donations have been strong throughout the pandemic, as people have taken the time to clean their bookshelves.

“Despite the thousands of books that were sold in August, we’ve had an even greater number donated again,” said Robyn Curtis, Rotary Book Sale chair.

The club has also instituted two new specials this year. People identifying themselves as schoolteachers are welcome to receive two free regular-priced books. And for the final two hours of the book sale on Oct. 31, all regular-priced books will be “five books for five dollars.”

Daily hours will vary and will be posted on the club’s website at

Entrance to the book sale is free and parking at Heritage Park is by donation.

Chilliwack Progress