Rotary Way is being repaved from 4th Street South to the second bridge, just past St. Mary’s School. (Barry Coulter photo)

Rotary Way being repaved along Joseph Creek

The Rotary Club is having a portion of its namesake trail repaved. Rotary Way, an extensive network of pedestrian and bike paths throughout the city, has had the old decrepit paving ripped from from 4th Street South along Joseph Creek to the second bridge. New pavement will be installed in the coming days. Gally Equipment Services is doing the work. (Barry Coulter photo)

The Rotary Club is having a portion of its namesake trail repaved. Rotary Way, an extensive network of pedestrian and bike paths throughout the city, has had the old decrepit paving ripped from from 4th Street South along Joseph Creek to the second bridge. New pavement will be installed in the coming days. Gally Equipment Services is doing the work. (Barry Coulter photo)

Cranbrook Townsman