1939 Rossland-Trail bus.

1939 Rossland-Trail bus.

Rough ride to modern highway drive

From the annals of history, 1914 motor car to rise and bur ride 1939

  • May. 1, 2014 8:00 p.m.

April 1914

Motor car total continues to rise

Now that the day of the open window and door has come, there is no spot in Rossland, indoors as well as out, except underground at the low levels, where the ear may escape the automobile music. The song is continuous. It is caused by any one or all of the cars, Rossland owned – ten of them. Or maybe it is caused by ten, backed up by the five more cars in town from Trail.

Fifteen all told, while a year ago a third of the number would cover it and to spare.

About regulations governing cars – the Provincial Motor Act places the speed limit in towns and cities at ten miles per hour; requires each car to have a registered number, which must be on both the front and rear of the car; requires a light to illuminate the number on the rear of the car, so that the number may be seen at a distance of fifty feet; calls for the number of the machine to be printed on the face of the two front lamps.

Both the Provincial Act and the City Bylaw require all vehicles to turn to the left when meeting other vehicles.  The Rossland City Bylaw makes it necessary for drivers of cars to sound a whistle or horn when rounding corners and when approaching pedestrians. The bylaw calls for two white lights on the front of the car that will throw light so that objects may be clearly seen one hundred feet away. The bylaw requires a red light on the rear of the car capable of being seen one hundred feet away.

April 1939

Cascade Opens to Traffic May 1st

The Golden City’s most direct link with the Okanagan and all points westward will be opened May 1 this year. Comparative dates show that the 5000 foot pass is open at least three weeks earlier this year than last.

Earlier Spring Season Seen In Mountains As The Tourist Traffic Increases

British Columbia’s southern and most central port of entry, immediately south of Rossland, experienced a 300 per cent jump in incoming tourist passenger lists during the month of March this year, as compared to March 1938.

Eleven hundred and fifty-nine incoming travelers were listed during the month; they made entrance in 408 vehicles of all kinds. In March 1938 a total of 372 passengers made entrance in 155 vehicles. At the same time, slightly more people left the province than entered during the early spring month of both years.


Rossland News