The Rockies Rowing Club is asking the RDEK to partner with them to be stewards of the land around a right-of-way access point to Jimsmith Lake.

Rowing club seeks stewardship of Jimsmith Lake access point

The regional district will be looking at taking over a right of way access to Jimsmith Lake in partnership with the Rockies Rowing Club.

The regional district will be looking at taking over a right of way access to Jimsmith Lake in partnership with the Rockies Rowing Club.

The club, which has been stewards of public access to the lake on Trout Lake Road for the last 20 years, recently approached the RDEK to pitch the proposal after the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) told the club that it won’t be able store boats on the site.

RDEK board directors wrestled with the frustration of yet another downloaded responsibility from the province to local government, while also sympathizing with the club’s situation. Following discussion, the board voted to refer the rowing club’s request to the RDEK’s next strategic priority setting process.

Roberta Rodgers and Michelle Sartorel made the request on behalf of the club, while Kootenay East MLA Tom Shypitka also spoke in support of the club’s request during a presentation to the board.

The Rockies Rowing Club has been using the Trout Lake Road access point at Jimsmith Lake for over two decades.

In April this year, MOTI informed the club that it can no longer use the space to house boats and club equipment.

Cranbrook Townsman