Ruddock Creek mine representatives visit Clearwater

Seven representatives of Mitsui Mining visit Clearwater to familiarize themselves with Imperial Metals' Ruddock Creek lead-zinc property

Sadao Senda, the president of Mitsui Mining, was recently in Clearwater, Mayor John Harwood reported during last Tuesday’s council meeting.

Senda was familiarizing himself with Imperial Metals’ Ruddock Creek lead-zinc property, which is located about 30 km east of Avola near Tum Tum Lake.

Seven representatives from the Japanese mining company were involved in the visit, the mayor said.

Mitsui has invested about $12 million in exploring the ore body.

Focus for the coming year will be more diamond drilling, Harwood said.

Lots of parolees

Clearwater presently has 19 parolees living in the community, according to RCMP Sgt. Stu Seib.

The NCO-in-charge of the local detachment was unsure about why there is such a high number for such a small community and how that number relates to an increase in break-ins and thefts.

Police are keeping an eye on them and making sure they comply with the conditions of their release. These could include house arrest, no non-prescription drugs, and no alcohol.

Mayor John Harwood noted that there no longer is a full-time parole officer in Clearwater. One comes up from Kamloops every second week, Seib said.

The sergeant made his comments while making a report to council on the first six months of 2011. His complete report can be read in next week’s issue of the Times.

Help for Rockhounds

Council agreed with a recommendation from the Join Advisory Services Committee that $750 be donated to Raft River Rockhounds for dry floor rental at the North Thompson Sportsplex.

The facility will be used for a provincewide rock and mineral show next May.

About 300 people are expected to attend.

Repairing municipal roads

District of Clearwater is compiling an inventory of street lines that need painting, Mayor John Harwood reported.

So far, the list includes 52 stop sign lines and 16 km of lines along street.

Although the municipality will not take over road maintenance until December of 2012 (five years after incorporation), line painting was not in the agreement.

The District also in making a list of places that need repaving because of work done by the municipality.

The intention is to make the contracts available to local contractors and keep the money in the community, said the mayor.

Elks getting support

District of Clearwater will provide a $500 grant-in-aid to Clearwater Elks #499 to support its community programs. The district also will provide trees for the beautification of the frontage property at the Elks Hall under the Trees Canada grant program.

That was the response by council last Tuesday to a request from the Elks for assistance made during a previous council meeting.

Elks representative Phyllis Bucknell thanked council for its support.



Clearwater Times