The rumble strips are on Nichol Road along the school zone near Arrow Heights Elementary.

The rumble strips are on Nichol Road along the school zone near Arrow Heights Elementary.

Rumble strips placed on Nichol Road

The City of Revelstoke installed rumble strips on Nichol Road last week as part of an effort to get drivers to slow down while driving through the Arrow Heights Elementary school zone.

The City of Revelstoke installed rumble strips on Nichol Road last week as part of an effort to get drivers to slow down while driving through the Arrow Heights Elementary school zone.

The strips were placed both along the white lines at the edge of the roadway and across the lanes in several locations. They were put in place in an attempt to get drivers to slow down and make drivers aware of when they’re crossing onto the shoulder, said Brian Mallett, the city’s director of engineering.

Last spring the AHE Parent Advisory Committee asked the city to install a sidewalk or divider to help protect children walking to school along Nichol Road.

Mallett said sidewalks will be installed in the long-term. He said a concrete barrier that would create a separate walking lane was not feasible both due to snow clearance issues and because it would create problems for people exiting and entering their driveways.

This week a four-way stop sign is going up at the intersection of Airport Way and Nichol Road. Currently there is no stop sign for cars travelling along Airport Way. The stop sign is expected to cut down on accidents and make crossing Airport Way easier

Also in the plans is a sidewalk along Airport Way between McKinnon and Nichol Roads, said Mallett. The aim would be to have children walk to school up Pratico Road and then through the woods to Park Drive.

Currently the woods are on private property so the land would have to be bought or an agreement reached to make that a public path.

Note: An earlier version of this article listed the wrong author.

Revelstoke Times Review