Three women who participated in West Shore Parks and Recreation’s winter-spring TC10K running clinic celebrate finish at the race last year on Belleville Street in Victoria. The 14-week program gets underway for 2015 next Saturday at the Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre.

Three women who participated in West Shore Parks and Recreation’s winter-spring TC10K running clinic celebrate finish at the race last year on Belleville Street in Victoria. The 14-week program gets underway for 2015 next Saturday at the Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre.

Run/walk clinic has West Shore in mind

TC10K workup designed for runners and walkers at all levels of fitness

Hitting the Galloping Goose for a run with friends on a cool Saturday morning is Corinne Marley’s idea of a good time.

The Langford resident heads up West Shore Parks and Recreation’s annual training program leading up to the TC10K in spring. She says the sessions can be a wonderful experience, regardless of one’s fitness level or ability to complete a sustained run.

“The camaraderie and group commitment and atmosphere are just amazing,” says Marley, who took part in the clinic before becoming co-ordinator. “We do all of our training on the Goose and at Royal Roads; it’s so beautiful to go do that.”

The 14-week clinic, which includes a walking component, gets underway Jan. 17 and sees participants split into four groups based on their fitness and experience.

Marley assures that the program is a gradual one, with the intensity of the workouts building up to the race, which happens this year on Sunday, April 26.

“If you follow the program and trust the process, you will be ready for (the race) in 14 weeks,” she says. “I’ve seen … people who have never exercised and are quite apprehensive and they go on to complete it with a great sense of satisfaction.”

The clinic is one of 15 TC10K leadup programs put on by rec centres around the Capital Region. Marley likes the fact West Shore residents have someplace closer to train for the event.

While running can be a solitary activity if one chooses, the clinic provides a very social, supportive experience for participants, an atmosphere that helps make it even more appealing and gratifying, she says.

Some participants who have a hard time making time for training appreciate the regular weekly aspect of the clinic. “They can be home by 11 or so and have had a great workout and had some laughs,” Marley says.

The cost for the clinic is $120 plus GST and training sessions happen Saturdays from 9 to 11 a.m. starting from Seniors Room 202 at the rec centre. More details are available in the West Shore Parks and Recreation fall/winter Activity Guide, which can also be viewed online at

To register, visit the website and enter program number 93740, call 250-478-8384 with that number or drop in to the rec centre on Island Highway in Colwood.

Goldstream News Gazette