Russians visit Spahats on way to Helmcken

Members of Russian national women's ice hockey team go on bus tour of Wells Gray Park

  • Mar. 31, 2016 11:00 a.m.
Two members of the Russian national women's ice hockey team get their photos taken at Spahats Falls viewpoint.

Two members of the Russian national women's ice hockey team get their photos taken at Spahats Falls viewpoint.

Two members of the Russian national women’s ice hockey team get their photos taken at Spahats Falls viewpoint. They were on a bus tour of Wells Gray Park on Tuesday afternoon, proof that the four days they spent in Clearwater was not all drills and training.


Spahats viewpointLeft: Members of the Russian national women’s hockey team cluster at the viewpoint at Spahats Falls. Seeing some of the local sights, even if only briefly, seemed to be a big hit with the visitors.









Below: A sign in front of Clearwater Lodge reads, “Welcome Russian women’s world hockey team 2016.” The members of the team often commented on how pleased they were with the friendly reception they received in town.

Welome sign

Clearwater Times