The Rutland Community Policing Office has reopened with new staff and expanded services. (Black Press Media file)

Rutland Community Policing Office reopens with expanded service

The office closed in March 2020 as the pandemic hit Kelowna

  • Jun. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Rutland Community Policing Office (CPO) has reopened today (June 22) with additional staff and new services.

The office closed down in March 2020, as the pandemic hit the city, but the office opens its doorsKelowna Mayor Colin Basran said, it’s a sign of the wider reopening in the city and the province.

“This reopening is more than a return to normal for the Rutland Community Policing Office. It marks a significant expansion to the level of service provided there,” he said.

“We heard from Rutland community members that there was demand and value for this kind of expansion, and we have responded accordingly.”

The new services mean that residents can now report non-emergency matters at the office, including stolen and found property, and suspicious or illegal activity. The office can also completely criminal record checks.

Kelowna’s city council approved a full-time, civilian employee position at the office as well, after the RCMP requested it as part of the 2021 budget.

The new staff member, an information clerk, will be onsite from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. They will work alongside a community policing coordinator.

Previously, the Rutland CPO was staffed by the coordinator and RCMP volunteers, whose activities were limited to providing information resources.

The new information clerk position also means that the CPO’s services will be expanded to the Rutland town centre as well as Black Mountain, Springvalley, UBC-Okanagan, and Orchard Park.

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