S-FRAME Software donates new laboratory to UBC Okanagan

Corporate donation for UBCO campus valued at $690,000.

UBC Okanagan’s new S-FRAME Software Laboratory was dedicated at the Kelowna campus earlier this month.

S-FRAME Software Inc. has provided a donation of structural engineering software, software upgrades, maintenance and technical support valued in excess of $690,000. This pioneering technology is widely used by structural and civil engineers for a diverse range of projects. S-FRAME has donated software solutions to equip a laboratory in the Engineering, Management and Education building.

“We are proud to be part of the start an evolution campaign at UBC,” said Marinos Stylianou, S-FRAME’s chief executive officer.  “It is our desire that our software will help better prepare future UBC engineering graduates to tackle future challenges with innovative designs, and to inspire some to pursue careers in engineering software development and support.”

S-FRAME’s donation will result in immediate benefits for UBC.

“We are extremely fortunate that S-FRAME has the vision to make this technology available to UBC,” said  Interim Provost and Vice Principal Academic Cynthia Mathieson. “This partnership will contribute significantly to our students’ education and success.”

Spiro Yannacopoulos, Associate Dean, School of Engineering, says S-FRAME’s gift is a timely and valuable addition of industry-leading technology for engineering students.

“Today’s students need the most current technology used by industry in order to receive the best possible education,” said Yannacopoulos. “This gift from S-FRAME Software ensures that our engineering students are using the best tools available. We are extremely grateful to S-Frame for their foresight and generosity.”

UBC’s start an evolution campaign has raised $70 million to date in the Okanagan.

With offices in Canada, the USA and England, S-FRAME Software Inc.’s Structural Office Analysis and Design program suite products are widely used by structural and civil engineers for a diverse range of projects.

Kelowna Capital News