A series of upgrades are planned for Saanich’s Ash Road at Douglas Creek. (Google Streetview)

A series of upgrades are planned for Saanich’s Ash Road at Douglas Creek. (Google Streetview)

Saanich plans roadside barrier as part of upgrades planned for Ash Road at Douglas Creek

Construction expected to start late November

  • Nov. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Ash Road is slated to receive a slew of upgrades this fall including a new concrete roadside barrier and a realigned centre-line.

The wooden barrier along Ash Road at Douglas Creek was damaged in 2018 after a motorist struck it, though it was already slated to be upgraded to a concrete barrier, said Saanich spokesperson Adam Flint.

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The district plans to implement several changes including widening the roadway, replacing the wooden barrier with a concrete barrier, realigning the centre line to create 3.2 metre lanes across Douglas Creek and adding new signage to the area, he said.

Darrell Wick, president of the Friends of Mount Douglas Park Society, hopes the upgrades will make the area safer for all road users – specifically cyclists for whom the area had been dangerous.

“I’m scared when I go through there,” he said, noting that the westbound lane is just wide enough that some drivers attempt to pass cyclists which has resulted in some close calls.

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Wick pointed out that while the improvements at Douglas Creek “won’t fix all the Ash Road problems but will make it a little bit better.”

Weather permitting, Saanich crews will begin installing the upgrades in late November.

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