Saanich police briefs

Woman bites Wal-Mart anti-theft officer; cleaning lady 'cleans house'; Man can't stay out of trouble; convenience store hotdog assault

  • Aug. 18, 2012 12:00 p.m.

In this case, the baby isn’t the biter

A mom with an 18-month-old son bit a loss prevention officer at Uptown Wal-Mart on Thursday after being nabbed for shoplifting.

The 30-year-old Saanich woman was arrested for shoplifting around 3 p.m., but began fighting the 26-year-old female loss prevention officer, and got her teeth around the officer’s arm. Her son was nearby in a stroller.

The suspect faces charges of theft and assault. The Ministry of Children and Family Development was notified about the incident.

Cleaning lady ‘cleans house’

Saanich police recovered several thousand dollars stolen from a Saanich home by a cleaning lady Thursday afternoon.

The homeowner discovered the theft, notified police and pursued the woman in his vehicle. Officers intercepted the 34-year-old Victoria woman.

She faces a charge of theft, in addition to a theft charge earlier this year for stealing from her former job at a fast food restaurant. Police say she has a history of fraud and forgery.

Saanich police remind homeowners to hire household help from reputable companies and who have gone through criminal record checks.

How to get noticed by police

A 30-year-old man well known to Saanich police drove into Saanich Centre on a stolen Honda motorscooter on Thursday, and parked in a no parking zone, in front of the police.

Officers on hand on a coffee break knew the suspect had a number of bail conditions for graffiti tagging, which includes not being allowed on Saanich Centre property.

He was arrested for breaching bail conditions and for possession of stolen property. The Honda had been stolen from Fernwood two weeks earlier.

Assault with a wiener

Police arrested a drunk, 27-year-old Saanich man for causing mayhem in a convenience store on Burnside Road West on Friday just after midnight.

The convenience store clerk had confronted the man after he tried to steal a few items. The drunk man grabbed a hotdog from the hand of another customer, took a bite then threw it at the clerk. Then he started throwing bags of candy at the employee before exiting the store.

He was held until sober and faces charges of assault and theft.

Saanich News