Cst. Adam Defrane and Cst. Jeff Kreczmer of Saanich Police are the stars of a video designed to challenge the so-called #TidePodChallenge. (YouTube video)

Cst. Adam Defrane and Cst. Jeff Kreczmer of Saanich Police are the stars of a video designed to challenge the so-called #TidePodChallenge. (YouTube video)

Saanich Police video pokes fun at #TidePodChallenge

Video titled What To Eat, What Not To Eat warns kids #NoPodInYourBod

  • Feb. 7, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Tide pods go into the washing machine, not mouths.

That is the message of a video that Saanich Police has produced in warning against the effects of the so-called Tide Pod Challenge.


This activity sees daring individuals — especially teenagers — consume individually packaged pieces of laundry detergent, much to the chagrin public health officials, who have long warned about the health effects of this activity.

Spurred by social media, the activity has gone viral, and the Saanich Police video featuring Const. Adam Defrane and Const. Jeff Kreczmer appears as an attempt to fight fire with fire.

Titled What To Eat, What Not To Eat, the video guides viewers through a series of comparisons about edible and inedible products that ultimately culminates in a warning about participating in the so-called #TidePodChallenge.

“That is ridiculous,” intones Defrane in mock outrage. “Starting today, we are going to start our own challenge #NoPodInYourBod.”

“Adam, that’s not bad,” answers Kreczmer, who plays the straight man to Defrane, who resembles Hangover star Zach Galifianakis.

“Remember kids, re-tweets are not worth your life,” says Defrane.

Saanich Police, for the record, does not keep records of any incidents involving Tide pods.


Goldstream News Gazette