Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is asking the public to be on the look out for a missing honeybee swarm. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is asking the public to be on the look out for a missing honeybee swarm. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Saanich sanctuary asks residents to be(e) on the lookout for lost honeybee swarm

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary bees left early Monday

  • May. 14, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is asking for the public’s help in locating their honeybee swarm which is thought to have swarmed early Monday. The Sanctuary says swarms usually occur from April to August and are generally peaceful if left alone. They can be found in trees, on houses, cars or on the ground.

Honeybee populations are in decline and the Sanctuary is asking the public to contact them if the swarm is spotted for fast, free and safe swarm removal.

READ ALSO: How worried should we be about bees?

According to the Sanctuary, bees can only be removed if they have clumped in a swarm. Sanctuary bee keepers are not able to remove bees that are flying around, visiting plants, ponds, birdbath, swimming pools or hot tubs. They say they are only looking for honey bees and are not able to remove wasps, carpenter bees or bumblebees.

READ ALSO: UBC study shows honey bees can help monitor pollution in cities

The Sanctuary says don’t call pest control or exterminators as they want to give the bees a loving home in the Nature House observation hive or the Bee Keeper’s aspiary.

If you find the swarm contact Alanna Morbin, Swan Lake Bee Keeper at 778-977-3134 or email hunaja7@gmail.com.

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