Saanich taxpayers in for $100,000, if Greater Victoria wins bid to host Junos

If the Capital Region's Juno bid is successful, the funds would come from each municipality's 2013/14 budgets.

Saanich will contribute $100,000 to help Greater Victoria host the Juno Awards, though the money is contingent on a number of things falling into place.

First, the money will only come if the region is named host.

Second, Saanich will only give the money if the provincial government contributes “in the range of $1.5 million.”

“We don’t have the (province’s financial) commitment in writing. … If we got that, and we put $100,000 in, the (economic) payback of this would be tremendous,” said Coun. Paul Gerrard at Monday night’s council meeting.

The Capital Region Music Awards Society has asked councils throughout the region for a financial contribution of “$1 per citizen in your municipality.” While Saanich’s population is nearly 110,000, council felt most comfortable committing to an even $100,000.

Coun. Dean Murdock attempted to get his colleagues’ support for that extra $10,000 by saying Saanich, as a bigger municipality, would have an easier time contributing $1 per citizen than smaller communities.

Esquimalt and Oak Bay councils also committed money for the Junos this week – $17,000 from Esquimalt and $16,000 from Oak Bay.

On the West Shore, Colwood has promised $16,000 while Langford said it will help with funding if all other municipalities are also on board. View Royal and Highlands councils have expressed support but neither is specifying dollar amounts.

If the Capital Region’s Juno bid is successful, the funds would come from each municipality’s 2013/14 budgets.

Saanich News