Safe leaping this summer

No incidents reported at West Shore cliff jumping sites

Leap of faith Facing the formidable heights of the cliffs over Thetis Lake, Bryce Starling, 15, leaps into the cool waters below. View Royal Fire Chief Paul Hurst said this is the first summer he can remember where there hasn’t been a cliff jumping accident. He said increased park security and police presence are likely to thank for the safe summer.

Leap of faith Facing the formidable heights of the cliffs over Thetis Lake, Bryce Starling, 15, leaps into the cool waters below. View Royal Fire Chief Paul Hurst said this is the first summer he can remember where there hasn’t been a cliff jumping accident. He said increased park security and police presence are likely to thank for the safe summer.

Leap of faith


Facing the formidable heights of the cliffs over Thetis Lake, Bryce Starling, 15, leaps into the cool waters below. View Royal Fire Chief Paul Hurst said this is the first summer he can remember where there hasn’t been a cliff jumping accident. He said increased park security and police presence are likely to thank for the safe summer.



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