Jonna Madsen was convinced her win was too good to be true after scratching her Chinese Checkers Scratch Win ticket and realizing she scored the game’s top prize of $50,000. Photo: BC Lottery

Salmo woman scratches a $50,000 lottery win

Jonna Madsen purchased and checked the ticket at the Salmo Esso on Railway Avenue.

There’s been a third scratch ticket winner in the West Kootenay over the last several weeks.

This time is was Jonna Madsen of Salmo.

She won $50,000 from a Chinese Checkers Scratch and Win ticket purchased from the Salmo Esso on Railway Avenue.

Madsen was convinced her win was too good to be true after scratching her ticket and realizing she scored the game’s top prize of $50,000.

“It doesn’t seem real,” she said. “I’m waiting for someone to tell me it’s a big mistake! One of the clerks ran it through her machine and confirmed the win,” Madsen added.

“It really hasn’t sunk in yet.”

The question is, “What’s she going to do with her sudden windfall?”

First is her plan to buy a used car with part of the winnings, the rest will be put away to visit family in Europe once it’s safe to do so.

Madsen’s win follows Allan Johnson, of Genelle, scoring $75,000 from a Bingo Multiplier Scratch and Win ticket on Jan. 4, and Nelson’s Wayne Boyd recently winning $100,000 on Bingo Grand Scratch and Win.

Read more: Nelson man wins $100,000

Read more: Genelle man wins $75,000

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