A sushi heart created by Salt and Brick chef, Jason Holmes for the employees at the Lululemon on Bernard Avenue Tuesday photo: contributed

A sushi heart created by Salt and Brick chef, Jason Holmes for the employees at the Lululemon on Bernard Avenue Tuesday photo: contributed

Salt and Brick chef prepares special lunch for store after break-in

James Holmes cooked up a storm to help brighten the employee's day

  • Feb. 14, 2019 12:00 a.m.

After a break-in at Lululemon Tuesday, a local restauranteur went out of his way to help lighten the mood of the store’s stressed staff members.

Casey Greabeiel, owner of Salt and Brick and Jacks Pizza & Liquor, received a phone call from Lululemon’s store manager, Dewi Peters asking if they would help her organize a lunch for her staff to cheer them up after the break-in.

“She reached out and said she wanted to do something special for her staff, all I did was make a call,” he said.

Greabeiel contacted chef James Holmes, who took care of the rest.

Holmes got to work, even though the restaurant didn’t open until 5 p.m., and made a special delivery to the Lululemon store on Bernard Avenue.

Cautious of dietary restrictions, Holmes created sushi and plated it in the shape of a heart along with pizza with hearts drawn on the boxes.

RELATED: Meet the chef: Salt & Brick chef uses creativity each morning creating recipes

“We have done several events with them in the past and he knows they are healthy eaters, some are vegetarian and vegan. He did something from the heart,” said Greabeiel.

“We wanted to do something from the kindness of our hearts, James took the lead and really made it something special.”

Even though Lululemon is not locally owned, Greabeiel said they are so involved in the community it feels like they are and celebrates when local businesses support others.

“We need to be supportive of each other, that is what I truly believe,” said Greabeiel. “The biggest thing I have learned doing business in Kelowna in my couple of years is knowing that we are truly a part of a bigger community, especially in Downtown Kelowna. When it gets lean in winter we have to rely on the support of our fellow community members and try to support local at all times, it’s essential.”

The lunchtime spread was, of course, free of charge.

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