Sisters Larrisa and Candice gift-wrapped presents this year for the Salvation Army’s hamper donation program. (Angelique Houlihan photo)

Sisters Larrisa and Candice gift-wrapped presents this year for the Salvation Army’s hamper donation program. (Angelique Houlihan photo)

Salvation Army kettle donations still welcome

Donations being accepted up until Saturday at mall food bank location

  • Jan. 1, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Salvation Army is closing in on its kettle drive financial goal but with just two days left in the campaign, donations are still welcome.

As of Dec. 19, Bulkley Valley Salvation Army community ministry director Adam Marshall estimated donations were just short of $25,000 wanted for the army’s work in the Bulkley Valley.

“And we’ll take donations up until Saturday at the food bank at the mall,” said Marshall.

The kettle campaign in Houston has been boosted this year by volunteers from the local bantams hockey team being at the Buy Low store Monday afternoons.

“It’s been great to have their help,” Marshall said of the young hockey players.

If Saturday is the target date for kettle donations, it’s also the key date in Houston for hamper distribution.

Marshall said the Army is preparing approximately 160 hampers this year, a number that’s roughly equivalent to what was distributed last year.

Hampers need to be picked up at the army’s new food bank location which is at the Houston Mall.

Houston Today