While the ice begins to melt on Williams Lake and surrounding areas, the city is providing sand for residents to be prepared in case water levels begin to rise quickly. (Monica Lamb-Yorski photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Sand provided for Williams Lake residents in advance of freshet

City not aware of any imminent threat of flooding, but wants community to be prepared

Sand is being made available in advance of spring freshet to Williams Lake residents living in low lying areas on both north and south sides of the lake.

“At this time the city is not aware of any imminent threat of flooding to property owners but wants to be prepared in case water levels begin to rise quickly,” said manager of public works Matt Sutherland in a news release.

Residents can access the city sand at Signal Point Road and the South Lakeside lift station.

The city’s chief administrative officer Gary Muraca told the Tribune engineering staff will be placing measuring structures at various locations to monitor the lake and river levels.

“This will provide data that will aid us in our flood preparedness,” Muraca said. “Visually, the lake is at a higher than normal level, but accurate data will be beneficial.”

Anyone who needs sandbags is encouraged to 250-392-8481 to make arrangements to pick them up from the public works yard.

For additional information call 250-392-1784.

Read more: Free city sand program in Williams Lake cancelled after rural residents take advantage of it

Read more: Williams Lake First Nation preparing for flooding

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