Sandspit needs ambulance attendants

  • Apr. 16, 2012 8:00 a.m.

Sandspit is in desperate need of people willing to work as ambulance attendants, the Moresby Island Management Committee heard at its April 12 meeting. Kristi Schmitz, a member of the management committee who also works for the BC Ambulance Service, said Sandspit is down to three attendants and two drivers and all five are on call 24/7. “If you know anybody who has ever said they are potentially interested, now is the time,” she said. “Please spread the word.” In response to a question, Ms Schmitz said the number of ambulance calls in Sandspit varies. In the past two weeks, she said, ambulance staff responded to two emergency calls and handled two transfers. The Sandspit station does get a lot of calls to go to the Queen Charlotte hospital and pick up patients who are flying out from the airport, she said. This often works out better than having the Queen Charlotte station handle the transfer, she said, because that could leave the much larger Queen Charlotte area without service for up to four hours.

Haida Gwaii Observer