Nova Scotia introduced a bill Tuesday that could have residents be organ donors unless they opt out. (Black Press Media file photo)

Nova Scotia introduced a bill Tuesday that could have residents be organ donors unless they opt out. (Black Press Media file photo)

Saskatchewan reaches out to Nova Scotia to talk automatic organ donation

Nova Scotia could be the first jurisdiction in North America to adopt the measure

  • Apr. 3, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Saskatchewan’s health minister says he will be closely watching Nova Scotia as it moves forward on a plan to introduce automatic consent for organ donation.

Nova Scotia introduced a bill Tuesday that could have residents be organ donors unless they opt out.

READ MORE: Organ donation saved record 502 lives last year in B.C.

If the law comes into effect, Nova Scotia could be the first jurisdiction in North America to adopt the measure.

Saskatchewan Health Minister Jim Reiter says his office has requested to speak with his counterpart in Nova Scotia.

Former Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall had earlier expressed support for introducing presumed consent.

Saskatchewan’s 2019 budget includes money to create an organ donor registry in the hopes of increasing Saskatchewan’s donor rates.

Reiter says the province has not ruled out an opt-out system but that a legislative committee earlier flagged potential legal issues with the idea.

Stephanie Taylor, The Canadian Press

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