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Save water, buy a rain barrel

The regional district is having a composter and rain barrel sale in Kelowna for Earth Day

  • Apr. 3, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Purchase a rain barrel this season to support Earth Day.

The Regional Waste Reduction Office in partnership with the Okanagan Basin Water Board’s (OBWB) Okanagan WaterWise program will be hosting a one-day-only composter and rain barrel sale, Sunday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Kelowna’s Okanagan College campus.

This year’s sale will feature a limited supply of units, (350 composters and 125 rain barrels) but get them into the hands of residents earlier, in time for gardening season. The composters will sell for $35; rain barrels for $80.

“If you compost, you can easily cut the garbage you produce in half,” said waste reduction facilitator Rae Stewart with the regional district. “Composting is easy, fun, something the whole family can get involved in. And imagine how rewarding it is to make your own nutritious soil enhancer for your garden, all from the kitchen scraps and green matter from your yard that you’d otherwise be just tossing out. It’s like a super booster for your garden.”

Corinne Jackson, communications director for the OBWB says they’re pleased to be partnering again with Waste Reduction and expect the rain barrels to go quickly. Only 125 will be available with a limit of two per household.

“Collecting rain water for use in your yard has so many benefits,” Jackson said. “Rain water provides soft, fresh, untreated water for your plants. Plus, collecting rain water limits runoff from yards, helps prevent contaminants from washing into our storm drains and ultimately into local streams and lakes. By diverting some of this run-off into rain barrels you’re helping keep our waters clean for drinking, for fish and everything else that depends on good, clean water.”

For details on the one day only composter and rain barrel sale visit or email the reduction office at or call 250-469-6250.

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