School budget meeting poorly attended

Despite fears of school closures, the first budget meeting of the year for School District 69 (Qualicum) was poorly attended.

Despite fears of school closures, the first budget meeting of the year for School District 69 (Qualicum) was poorly attended.

Two concurrent public information sessions Thursday evening were the initial public step in the 2011/12 budget process and the first chance to provide the board with input on priorities.

A total of 13 people attended the meeting at Qualicum Beach Middle School, including staff, board trustees, and only a few members of the public.

Similarly only three parents attended the meeting at Springwood Middle School, according to secretary treasurer Bernice Hannam.

People learned about the budget process, had a chance to review the current year’s budget as an example and ask questions.

Superintendent Candice Morgan, giving the presentation at QBMS, explained the district does not have any taxing authority and the school taxes collected by municipalities go directly to the province.

Of the district’s $43 million budget in 2010/11, 89 per cent is provincially mandated salaries, another $1 million goes to utilities and $452,000 goes to vehicle costs, leaving just over $3 million for all other services and supplies for the district for the year, Morgan explained.

She said the government is well aware of the funding difficulties under the current enrollment based funding and districts across the province are hopeful other solutions will be found.

She pointed out the complexities of developing next year’s budget which is always difficult with declining enrollment, cost increases, increasing expectations and an aging and retiring staff.

This year there are extra unknowns such as the impact of full day Kindergarten, ongoing provincial negotiations with teacher and staff unions, the facilities review and the current upheavals in provincial politics.

Budget deliberations will continue in a series of public meetings March 29, April 13, 20 and 26 in the Parksville Civic and Technology Centre Forum at 7 p.m.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News