The School District 70 administration office in Port Alberni. AV NEWS FILE PHOTO

School District 70 PACs receive gaming grants

Parent advisory councils in School District 70 Pacific Rim will receive provincial funding to ensure extracurricular activities will be available when students can safely participate.

  • Jan. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Parent advisory councils in School District 70 Pacific Rim will receive provincial funding to ensure extracurricular activities will be available when students can safely participate.

The funding is part of $11 million in community gaming grants released by the Province of B.C. in mid-December. More than 1,300 school advisory councils will benefit from the 2020-21 grants.

“This has been a difficult year for everyone, and I’d like to acknowledge the hard work and creativity of parent advisory councils, which have worked tirelessly to find ways to continue to safely engage students in extracurricular activities,” said Josie Osborne, Minister of Municipal Affairs and NDP MLA for Mid Island-Pacific Rim.

“These activities contribute significantly to students’ health and wellness by providing opportunities to connect, play and learn.”

The list of SD70 PACs and the funds they will receive are: Neill School PAC ($6,480), Alberni District Secondary School ($22,220), Alberni Elementary ($7,720), District PAC ($2,500), John Howitt Elementary ($4,340), Maquinna Elementary ($6,720), VAST/Project Alternate School PAC ($6,080), Wood School ($4,440), John Paul II Catholic School Parents Auxiliary ($2,120), Comite de Parents Francophones ($1,060), Wickaninnish Elementary in Tofino ($4,900), Ucluelet Elementary ($4540), Ucluelet Secondary ($3,300).

Schools receive funding every year through PACs and DPACs to fund activities that benefit the social, cultural and physical health and well-being of students. Support could be in the form of student publications, graduation ceremonies, sports or playground equipment as well as writing, drama and music clubs.

“Currently it is very difficult for PACs to raise funds in their communities,” said Andrea Sinclair, president, BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils. “Continued financial support from community gaming grants enables PACs/ DPACs to reduce the burden on parents at the school level and ensures PACs can continue to support activities for students and parents, which will be much needed in the coming year.”

Alberni Valley News