It’s been a busy summer for School District 78 as they hire new teachers and prepare for the influx of students once again.

It’s been a busy summer for School District 78 as they hire new teachers and prepare for the influx of students once again.

School District 78 busy filling teaching positions

Two new classrooms at Kent Elementary

Despite the mad scramble earlier this year, most school districts in B.C. are on track to fill hundreds of new teaching positions.

Fraser-Cascade school district superintendent Karen Nelson said that they needed to hire approximately 8.5 teachers and have done so. This comes after the BC Liberal government signed a deal in March providing $330 million to fund 2,600 new teacher jobs and comply with a Supreme Court of Canada ruling last year that ended a lengthy court battle over contract language governing class size and special needs support ratios.

“We will continue to review additional positions based on student enrolment during the first few weeks of September,” said Nelson in an email.

“We now have a concern regarding replenishing our TTOC (Teachers Teaching on Call) list. We have added two classrooms at Kent Elementary School and will continue to monitor the need for additional space throughout the rest of the district.”

That kind of hiring spree had been unheard of in over more than a decade, so officials had to not only fill jobs but create necessary space for new classrooms. Across B.C., districts have converted everything from shop classes to multipurpose rooms into standard classrooms.

“We hired just over 100 teachers for the classrooms – 102.9 full-time-equivalent positions,” said Nanaimo and Ladysmith school district spokesperson Dale Burgo.

In Surrey, school district officials had to fill 325 positions, according to spokesperson Doug Strachan, and closed 60 postings two weeks ago.

“Our focus is on backfilling to ensure we have enough teachers on the teacher-on-call list,” said Strachan. “A lot of the hirings come from that list. The list is typically 200 long.”

Filling jobs and re-arranging learning spaces was a struggle,said CEO and superintendent of the Central Okanagan school district Kevin Kaardal.

“Lots of work by lots of very, very committed people,” said Kaardal. “It started back in November when the Supreme Court decision was decided. We got ahead of the curve.”

Kaardal said they’ve hired 170 teachers without trouble, saying the number came from both the court ruling and some retirements.

“We (also) had to create 59 new learning spaces, including the addition of five portables,” Kaardal added. “We repositioned portables. We actually reopened classrooms that had been closed or repurposed for some other reason.”

The B.C. education ministry issued a statement last week, saying progress is going well across the province.

“We’ve been advised that most school districts are successfully hiring the teachers they need to be in compliance with the [agreement] with the BCTF – and also to meet local enrolment growth,” the ministry said. “However, there are some recruitment and retention challenges, especially for specialist positions and replenishing teacher-on-call lists.”

The court case cost the government $2.6 million in legal costs. The settlement is to provide a system to carry the province’s public school system to 2019, when the current teacher contract must be renegotiated.

Agassiz Observer